As mentioned in the previous section we offer two different products through the API. The initial configuration of the product according to the customer’s needs is called the ‘Project setup’. Herewith the customer specifies the following aspects of his project:

  • which Product is ordered (TextCreate, TextCreateWithKeywords including client specific products)
    • language of the text
    • length of the text
    • quality assurance on/off
  • input data
  • output data

Define Task Template

To define the TaskTemplate, including your order specific parameters such as the briefing, target language, etc., the customer needs to create a specific structured XML-document for the API. This XML- document is called the ‘Task-template’.

Configuration of standard attributes

The following XML document shows the standard attributes for the text products. Standard attributes are common to all TaskTemplates, regardless of the product chosen.

  <name>[TEMPLATE NAME]</name>
  <de>[GERMAN TITLE]</de>
  <en>[ENGLISH TITLE]</en>
  <de>[GERMAN DESCRIPTION]</de> <en>[ENGLISH DESCRIPTION]</en> </descriptions>

Note: Values to be be filled in are marked in brackets placeholders “[]”. These standard product parameters have the following meaning:

  • <code>: a unique identifier for the customer (string).
  • <name>: a unique Task-template name for the customer (string)
  • <titles>: The title in German (<de>) and English (<en>), will be shown to the clickworkers. It should be short, but descriptive.
  • <descriptions>: The working instruction of the requested texts. Here the customer needs to state as clear as possible what kind of text he expects to be written by the clickworkers.

The <descriptions> tag above is essential for the quality of the created texts. As it is shown to the clickworkers as their working instruction it should be easy to understand and formatted well. We strongly advise to use encoded html-tags to structure the description in a meaningful manner. For this online tools like can be used. An encoded description looks like this:

&lt;h1&gt;I am an encoded html-working instruction&lt;/h1&gt;
&lt;h2&gt;I am an encoded html-working instruction&lt;/h2&gt;
&lt;h3&gt;I am an encoded html-working instruction&lt;/h3&gt;
  &lt;li&gt;Point 1&lt;/li&gt;
  &lt;li&gt;Point 2&lt;/li&gt;
  &lt;li&gt;Point 3&lt;/li&gt;

which is encoded from the following original html text:

<h1>I am an encoded html-working instruction</h1>
<h2>I am an encoded html-working instruction</h2>
<h3>I am an encoded html-working instruction</h3>
  <li>Point 1</li>
  <li>Point 2</li>
  <li>Point 3</li>

Product specific attributes

The child element <product> contains the product specific attributes.

  <link href="/api/marketplace/v2/products/TextCreate" rel="product" type="application/xml"/>

    <value>[WANTED LANGUAGE]</value>

    <value>[WANTED TEXT LENGTH]</value>

    <value>[textcreate_proof_yes | textcreate_proof_no]</value>

    <value>[EXAMPLE TEXT]</value>


Choose your product by replacing

<link href=”[URL TO PRODUCT]” rel=”product” type=”application/xml” />


  • /api/marketplace/v2/products/TextCreate
  • /api/marketplace/v2/products/TextCreateWithKeywords
  • or the URL for your customer specific product provided by Solutions

See Integration description - Choose a product for the differences between these two products.

In the example above the attributes for the “TextCreate” product are shown. Their meaning are:

  • textcreate_language (mandatory) Defines the language of the text to be authored. The languages supported and their needed language code are listed here: [languages ]
  • textcreate_text_length (mandatory) Defines the valid range of text length. All results fields are counted and summed up. The supported lengths are listed here: [text lengths]. The syntax must be: [lower limit]#[upper limit] - e.g. 10#55
  • textcreate_proof_read (mandatory) Define whether quality assurance using review by second clickworker is requested. Valid options are: “textcreate_proof_yes” or “textcreate_proof_no”. Hint: For testing purposes in sandbox, you may want to switch quality assurance off, so you can bypass a number of jobs.
  • textcreate_sample (optional) Contains an example text for clickworkers. We strongly recommended to provide examples, as they will significantly improve the quality of authored content. clickworker will have a clearer understanding of the style and character of the requested text.
  • textcreate_description (mandatory) Contains an internal description for the task. This content will not be shown to clickworkers.

An example of a well-configured Task-template is shown as follows:

  <link href="/api/marketplace/v2/products/TextCreate" rel="product" type="application/xml"/>




    <value>Hier sollte Ihr Beispieltext stehen.</value>

    <value>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, ... </value>


Finally, the <form> element, defines the document structure for the tasks, based on input and output elements. It consists of several <elements> elements. Each of this element is either a read-only input or a writable output of each task.


If a clickworker, for example, is asked to write a text about a hotel, and the information source is the URL of the hotel’s website, this URL must be given to the clickworker. Exactly for this kind of input data for each task a read-only element is defined. These configurations are used to render the input values as HTML. In the hotel-URL example it could be defined as follows:

    <de> Hotel-URL</de>
    <en>Hotel URL</en>

The children are:

  • <is_output> The value ‘false’ in the above example defines this element as an input element for the task.
  • <titles> This element provides the title of the element in the different languages: de (german) and en (english). The value here is shown to the clickworker in front of the corresponding input data (it is the label of the element).
  • <is_mandatory> If “true”, defines that the clickworker must provide a value for this field.
  • <type> In the above-described hotel URL example the type is given as ‘url’. With this the input data will be rendered as a clickable html link. Depending on the semantics of the input data several types of elements are available. See 5 for details.
  • <item_code> The item code needs to be a unique identifier in the context of the Task-template. Herewith the association to the later uploaded input data is done.
  • <sort_order> The final configuration done for the element is the sort order. This defines the position of the input element in the form. Over all elements defined within the Task-template the sort order determines the vertical order from top to bottom shown to the clickworkers. Although the XML document is quite comprehensive, it is advised to check how the form looks like from a clickworker’s perspective. In order to do so, submit a task and login as a clickworker in the sandbox environment for preview.


In addition to the input data, the desired output data structure carrying the results of the task must be defined. Similar to the input elements, output data structure is also defined by a set of <elements>. The main difference is that its child element <is_output> will be set to ‘true’.

Each output element can be configured more detailed, so the complete output can be structured to fulfil the customer’s requirements. The most frequently used detail configuration for an output element is the definition of the minimal and maximal length of a text field.

According to the hotel URL example, you may want the text the author to provide the result as a separate header field and a paragraph section, rather than one chunk of text. In this common scenario you would need to define two output elements.

The configuration for a heading and a paragraph is:



As shown the accumulated min_length of both elements is 10. The accumulated max_length of both elements is 55. This fits into the configured text length for the overall text length from 10 to 55.

Important Note: Make sure that the min/max lengths for the output fields add up to the valid min/max length of the total text. Otherwise this may result in situations where clickworkers cannot save their work due to conflicting contraints!

For a complete list of additional configuration options of output elements see chapter Form Elements.

Task-template - Putting it all together

Putting all parts of the Task-template together the complete ordering/configuration of the project looks like this:

    <de>Informative Beschreibungen von Hotels</de>
    <en>Informative descriptions of hotels</en>
    <de>Hier sollte Ihr Briefing für die clickworker stehen.</de>
    <en>Here you should describe the instructions for the clickworkers.</en>
  <link href="/api/marketplace/v2/products/TextCreate" rel="product"




    <value>Hier sollte ein Beispieltext stehen.</value>

    <value>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, ... </value>

      <en>Hotel URL</en>



To finish the initial project configuration, send a http-POST request to https://<environment> As we strongly recommend to test the setup first on the sandbox environment the <environment> placeholder should be ‘sandbox’ (for production this would be ‘api’).

The Task-template itself would be saved as a XML-document and forming the request-body.

Submitting a Task

Once the TaskTemplate has been defined, you are ready to submit new tasks. The structure of the XML document carrying the task data must fit to the corresponding Task-template. However there are some elements that need to be part of every task-creation process.

Task - common elements

  <customer_ref>[CUSTOMER ID]</customer_ref>
    <link href="/api/marketplace/v2/customer/task_templates/[TEMPLATE CODE]" rel="task_template" type="application/xml" />
  • <customer_ref> This is an element to carry an identifier, which the customer may need for his own reference. This identifier will be included in each task output as it is.

  • <template> As described in section Form the Task-template defines the structure of the input and the output data. Therefore the task itself must reference the Task-template it is designed for. As shown in section TaskTemplate - Putting it all together during the project setup process a Task-template is uploaded via API. Within this the customer has filled the <code> element with an unique identifier of the template. This identifier needs to be added to the common path:

  <link href="/api/marketplace/v2/customer/task_templates/unqiue_template_id_1234" rel="task_template" type="application/xml" />
  • <notifications> The final task configuration value offers the customer the option to be notified via a http POST call about the state of the task adaption. During the editing process of the task on the clickworker platform the task passes several states. These state changes are indicated by two different events. The customer can define for each of these events an URL which will be automatically called when this event occurs:

    1. TASK_COMPLETED This event is triggered when all work related to the task, including the customer’s review, has been completed.
    2. CUSTOMER_INPUT_REQUIRED This event is triggered when the customer needs to approve the task results. Part of this notification will be a payload carrying the results of the task. See 3.2.3 for details.

Task - Task-template specific elements

Now the task specific input data for an individual task needs to be added. As shown in the Task-template in section TaskTemplate - Putting it all together the <form> element defines an input item with the <item_code> given as ‘link_to_hotel’:

    <en>Hotel URL</en>

In this example this input data is needed by the clickworker to fulfil the task. This input element needs to be referenced by its item code within the XML document carrying the task data:


Task - Putting it all together

The structure of the XML document carrying the task data the customer needs to upload would look like this:

  <customer_ref>[CUSTOMER ID]</customer_ref>
    <link href="/api/marketplace/v2/customer/task_templates/[TEMPLATE CODE]" type="application/xml" rel="task_template" />

Send this XML document as a HTTP-POST request to https://<environment> As we strongly recommend to test the setup first on the sandbox environment the <environment> placeholder should be ‘sandbox’ (for production this would be ‘api’).

The response to this API-Request will be a http-status code:

  • 200, if the task was successfully created
  • 400, if the referenced Task-template does not exist

and a response body:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <customer_ref>[CUSTOMER ID]</customer_ref>
      href="[TEMPLATE CODE]"

As shown above, part of the response is a <id> element. The content of this element will be the reference required for buyoff. It is a unique identifier for this individual task.

Buyoff of results

As outlined before, upon completion of a task, the customer is typically notified about the task completion. As soon as the task is waiting for approval, the customer is notified by a call to the URL as defined by the <callback_url> element of the task-upload procedure (see Task - Common elements). The body of this request will be a XML document carrying the necessary information for the customer to execute the buyoff.

Buyoff Notification

The following payload is sent by the notification to inform the customer that there is some action required:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <link href=" notifications/19265" rel="self" type="application/xml"/>
    <link href="" rel="self" type="application/xml"/>
    <link href="" rel="self" type="application/xml"/>

As shown above the <job> element includes a <link> with an URL to the job which expects the buyoff. The customer now needs to judge the result quality.

With the given URL an http-get request will show the results for review:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <link href="" rel="self" type="application/xml"/>
      <link href="" rel="task" type="application/xml"/>
      <content>Title text created by clickworker</content>
      <content>Paragraph text created by clickworker</content>

The various <items> elements within the <job> element correlate to the definition of the Task-template (see TaskTemplate - Putting it all together). The given item with the <item_code> ‘link_to_hotel’ was an input element, telling the clickworker to write a text about the hotel found under that URL.

The items with <item_code> ‘title_top’ and ‘paragraph_bottom’ are the output elements created by the clickworker. These texts are the ones which need to be judged to approve or to reject these results.



Assumed that the quality of the output elements meet the customer expectations, the job should be approved.

This job approval is executed by the posting of a XML document using the http-PUT method. The XML- document sent as payload of that http-PUT request is simple:


If you have indicated to get notified upon task completion, the notification will be sent to you as soon as you have approved the results (TASK_COMPLETED event). The payload of this notification is as follows. Therefore you do not need to pool for results.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <link type="application/xml" rel="self" href=""/>
    <link type="application/xml" rel="self" href=""/>
    <title_top>Title text created by clickworker</title_top>
    <paragraph_bottom>Paragraph text created by clickworker</paragraph_bottom>

Within the <customer_output> element the output elements are embedded.


Assumed that the result is not satisfying and does not comply with the briefing you may reject the job results. Rejecting a job is done by posting a XML document (http-PUT method). In comparison to the approval, the XML-Document needs some more elements to let the clickworker know why the job result has been rejected and allow for mitigation. Additionally as a requirement from the chosen product (within this chapter the Product “TextCreate” was chosen - see Product specific attributes) individual aspects of the created text need to be judged:

<!-- Text is rejected: accepted=0 -->
<!--Judge grammar: 4=Perfect, 3=Very good, 2 = Ok, 0 = poor -->
<!--Comment your judge on grammar. This is obliged if you judged it with a value < 3 -->
      <content>Here is my grade_gr comment</content>
<!--Judge spelling and punctuation: 4=Perfect, 3=Very good, 2 = Ok, 0 = poor -->
<!--Comment your judge on spelling and punctuation. This is obliged if you judged it with a value < 3 -->
      <content>Here is my grade_sppu comment</content>
<!--Judge sentence structure: 4=Perfect, 3=Very good, 2 = Ok, 0 = poor -->
<!--Comment your judge on sentence structure. This is obliged if you judged it with a value < 3 -->
      <content>Here is my grade_sest comment</content>
<!--Judge the style: 4=Perfect, 3=Very good, 2 = Ok, 0 = poor -->
<!--Comment your judge on style. This is obliged if you judged it with a value < 3 -->
      <content>Here is my grade_st comment</content>
<!--Judge comprehension and clarity: 4=Perfect, 3=Very good, 2 = Ok, 0 = poor -->
<!--Comment your judge on comprehension and clarity. This is obliged if you judged it with a value < 3 -->
      <content>Here is my grade_cocl comment</content>
<!--Judge the adherence to the working instructions: 4=Perfect, 3=Very good, 2 =
Ok, 0 = poor -->
<!--Comment your judge on adherence to the working instructions. This is obliged if you judged it with a value < 3 -->
      <content>Here is my grade_foin comment</content>
<!--Judge selection of information: 4=Perfect, 3=Very good, 2 = Ok, 0 = poor -->
<!--Comment your judge on the selection of information. This is obliged if you judged it with a value < 3 -->
      <content>Here is my grade_sein comment</content>
<!--Comment for the author. This is obliged.-->
      <content>Text ist in Ordnung.</content>

The following table lists the aspects for the judgement of the ‘TextCreate’ and ‘TextCreateWithKeywords’ Product. The column ‘item’ lists the <item_code> of the aspect. Column ‘meaning’ explains what the aspect means. Finally the third column ‘condition’ lists the circumstances under which the corresponding aspect must be included in the XML-Document executing the buyoff:

item meaning condition
accepted Is the result accepted? Always. Either 0 (rejected) or 1 (accepted)
grade_gr Judge the grammar. If accepted=0. 4=Perfect, 3=Very good, 2 = Ok, 0 = poor
grade_gr_comment Comment your Judge on grammar. If grade_gr < 3.
grade_sppu Judge spelling and punctuation. If accepted=0. 4=Perfect, 3=Very good, 2 = Ok, 0= poor
grade_sppu_comment Comment your judge on spelling and punctuation. If grade_sppu < 3.
grade_sest Judge sentence structure. If accepted=0. 4=Perfect, 3=Very good, 2 = Ok, 0 = poor
grade_sest_comment Comment your judge on sentence structure. If grade_sest < 3.
grade_st Judge the style. If accepted=0. 4=Perfect, 3=Very good, 2 = Ok, 0 = poor
grade_st_comment Comment your judge on style. If grade_st < 3.
grade_cocl Judge comprehension and clarity. If accepted=0. 4=Perfect, 3=Very good, 2 = Ok, 0 = poor
grade_cocl_comment Comment your judge on comprehension and clarity. If grade_cocl < 3.
grade_foin Judge the adherence to the working instructions. If accepted=0. 4=Perfect, 3=Very good, 2 = Ok, 0 = poor
grade_foin_comment Comment your judge on the adherence to the working instructions. If grade_foin < 3.
grade_sein Judge selection of information. If accepted=0. 4=Perfect, 3=Very good, 2 = Ok, 0 = poor
grade_sein_comment Comment your judge on selection of information. If grade_sein < 3.
comment Comment your reason to reject the results. If accepted=0.

After the customer has executed a rejection, the clickworker will once get the chance to correct the results according to the customer’s comments. After the rework the customer is getting informed as before (see Buyoff of results). The whole buyoff process restarts until the customer is doing the approval (see Approval).


If a text is declined twice, the task will be canceled and ‘cloned’; the task will be handled by another clickworker. In this scenario the results will be created for another task-id. As the customer only knows the ‘original’ task id (see Task - Putting it all together), the parameter ‘show_cloned_task=true’ should always be part of the above-mentioned request URL. With this parameter the customer is always able to get the results referencing the ‘original’ id.

Getting the results

As shown in Approval, once the approval has been done, the results will be delivered as payload of the TASK_COMPLETED notification. If no callback URL was defined [see Task - common elements], you may get a detailed view of every task he ever created. During the task creation process you will receive the id as a unique reference to this task. Using this id allows to check all task related aspects.

In order to get the results, use the following http-GET request:

https://[environment]<identifier>?show_cloned_task= true

For a task id given as 2405829 on the sandbox environment this would be:

If the task has reached the state ‘finished’ there will be a <results> item within the XML-response for each output element as defined within the Task-template (see Output). The results part of the ‘task-details’ request would look like this:

    <content>Title text created by clickworker</content>
    <content>Paragraph text created by clickworker</content>


As shown in Product specific attributes one part of the Task-template is the product configuration. With ‘TextCreateWithKeyword’ we would choose a different product and the product configuration would need to be changed as follows:

  <link href="/api/marketplace/v2/products/TextCreateWithKeywords" rel="product" type="application/xml"/>
    <value>[WANTED LANGUAGE]</value>

    <value>[WANTED TEXT LENGTH]</value>

    <value>[textcreate_proof_yes | textcreate_proof_no]</value>

    <value>[EXAMPLE TEXT]</value>


    <code> textcreatewithkeywords_team_whitelist</code>
    <value>[Team ID]</value>

    <code> textcreatewithkeywords_team_blacklist</code>
    <value>[Team ID]</value>

Mainly the <code> elements differ from the ‘TextCreate’ product according to the product’s name. Also a slightly difference within the offered text lengths must be considered (see Integration description - Choose a product). Last but not least the <link> element must point to the product.

The main difference is viewable within the form definition of the Task-template. There must be a definition of the keywords the clickworker is supposed to include in the text he they creates. So additionally to the ‘normal’ input elements (see Form - Input) the keyword elements must be defined as follows:

    <de>Keyword A</de>
    <en>Keyword A</en>

This element has the value ‘keyword’ for the <type> element configured. The type ‘keyword’ has the following options to be defined:

code meaning
min_occurrence_ref A reference to the <code> element of the task creation process where the minimum keyword occurrence is defined.
max_occurrence_ref A reference to the <code> element of the task creation process where the maximum keyword occurrence is defined.
reference_code Defines the Task’s data item where keywords are expected and will be counted. Enter the code of a data item here to check for keywords only in thiss item. Otherwise, leave blank or use the special value “all” to scan for keywords in all suitable fields.

These options and their relevance become more apparent if we look to the corresponding Task-upload.

Task submission using Product TextCreateWithKeywords

For the above described definition of a keyword element the related Task-upload (see also Task - Task-template specific elements) needs to be extended by an additional input element:


The items with the defined <code> ‘keyword_a_min’ and ‘keyword_a_max’ define the minimal and maximal occurence count of the keyword ‘Bottrop’. These item codes are defined within the Task- template. Together with the defined value ‘all’ for the keyword option ‘reference_code’ this means that the term ‘Bottrop’ must be included 1 or 2 times within the result fields ‘title_top’ or ‘paragraph_bottom’ (as per our example in section Form - Output).

With this definition the clickworker has to submit the results including 1 or 2 times the term ‘Bottrop’.

If the keyword should only be included in a particular output field this would need to be defined within the Task-template. E.G. a definition of:


would ensure that the keyword is only included to the output field ‘title_top’.


As mentioned before there are two main aspects which differ between the ‘TextCreate’ and the ‘TextCreateWithKeywords’ Product:

  • The Task-template defines an input element of type ‘keyword’
  • The Task-upload must include the keyword and defines it’s occurrence count


Additional to the both above explained text-based products we offer a Product “Survey”. This product offers the opportunity to survey our Clickworkers to any scientific or market oriented topic. The main idea here is that a customer prepares a survey on any external website reachable via a Url. The Clickworkers will click on the given link and participate in the survey. Once the survey is finished a code is shown to the participants. This code is pre-configured on the platform and needs to be entered into a form to proof that he finished the survey. With this the Clickworker is getting paid.

The use of the Product survey starts again with the definition of the task-template.

Product specific attributes

As the standard attributes for the task-template are always the same (see Configuration of standard attributes) we start with the Product specific attributes:

  <link href="/api/marketplace/v2/products/Survey" rel="product" type="application/xml"/>

    <value>[CW payment in Cent]</value>









    <value>[Team ID]</value>

    <value>[Team ID]</value>
  • mp_df_survey_country (mandatory) With this you can choose the country where our Clickworkers need to be located to participate in your survey. Valid country-codes are: at (Austria), be (Belgium), gb (Great Britain), es (Spain), pt (Portugal), pl (Poland), nl (Netherlands), it (Italy), in (India), fr (France), de (Germany), ca (Canada), us (USA), ch (Suisse). Mandatory if no whitelist provided.

  • mp_df_survey_payment (mandatory) Here you enter the Clickworker’s fee to participate in your survey. We will add 40% to the amount for your invoice. Please offer a reasonable fee to make sure enough of our Clickworker’s are motivated to participate in your survey. The number will be interpreted as Cent (1/100) from your configured customer currency.

  • mp_df_survey_age_from (mandatory) Here you can enter the minimum age of the Clickworker’s to participate (18-99). Mandatory if no whitelist provided.

  • mp_df_survey_age_to (mandatory) Here you can enter the maximum age of the Clickworker’s to participate (18-99). Mandatory if no whitelist provided.

  • mp_df_survey_gender (optional) Here you can enter the wanted gender of the Clickworkers to participate. Valid values are f (female) and m (male) or a (all).

  • mp_df_survey_expiration (optional) Here you enter until when your survey shall be online (if not yet finished). Enter in the format yyyy-mm-dd (e.G.: 2015-01-02)

  • mp_df_survey_code (mandatory) To ensure that our Clickworkers complete the survey, you have to show a code at the end of the survey. Our Clickworkers will enter this code on our platform to proof that they participated in the survey. Here you have to enter exactly the code you will show at the end of the survey. This code is the same for all participants (the use of individual codes is also possible – see below ‘mp_df_individual_codes’).

  • mp_df_survey_add_user_hash (optional) Here you configure if the we shall append an unique identifier of the Clickworker calling the URL of the survey. Allowed values are ‘yes’ or ‘no’ with the following result:

    • yes: ->
    • no: -> Be aware that this identification is for statistical usage only.
  • mp_df_same_url_for_all If the URL to the externally hosted Survey is the same for all participants, configure ‘yes’. In this case you will be able to easily enter the needed number of participants and the URL in one task creation request only.

  • mp_df_individual_codes If you are able to provide an individual URL for each Participant it would also be possible to store an individual confirmation code for each URL. In this case a unique confirmation code would be shown at the end of the survey, which the Clickworker would need to enter within our Platform to get paid for his participation. This makes only sense if ‘mp_df_same_url_for_all’ (see previous bullet point) has been configured as ‘no’. If you choose ‘yes’ for the individual confirmation-codes an additional form-element named ‘code’ needs to be part of your task creation request. Within this element you enter the confirmation code for each URL separately. If a Clickworker picks up the Job with the particular URL our system expects the Clickworker to enter the code configured here within the same task creation request. Only if the Clickworker’s Code and the Code from the task creation request are the same the Clickworker is getting paid.

  • team_whitelist (optional) Users from whitelist (team) will be included to the survey. If no demography is provided, then only the users on the whitelist can participate.

  • team_blacklist (optional) Users from blacklist (team) will be excluded from the survey.

The form

In general in case of external hosted surveys there are only one or two input field necessary to show the external Url (and maybe transfer the individual confirmation code or the number of requested participants) to our Clickworkers:

  <!-- next element only if ‘mp_df_same_url_for_all’ has been configured as ‘yes’ and ‘mp_df_individual_codes’ has been configured as ‘no’ in the product-configuration above -->
  <elements> <is_output>false</is_output>
      <en>no_of_participants</en> </titles>
  <!-- next element only if ‘mp_df_same_url_for_all’ has been configured as ‘no’ and ‘mp_df_individual_codes’ has been configured as ‘yes’ in the product-configuration above -->
      <en>Code</en> </titles>
    <type>hidden</type> <item_code>code</item_code>

Putting it all together

To prepare a survey with female Cickworkers from Germany in the age from 18-60, paying 100 Eurocent each we would create a task-template like this:

    <de>Eine Umfrage über Handies</de>
    <en>A survey about mobiles</en>
    <de>Bitte klicken Sie auf die URL und nehmen Sie an der Umfrage teil.</de>
    <en>Please click on the link and participate in the survey.</en>
    <link href="/api/marketplace/v2/products/Survey" rel="product" type="application/xml"/>









  <!--Following element not needed as ‘mp_df_same_url_for_all’ has been configured as ‘yes’ and ‘mp_df_individual_codes’ has been configured as ‘no’ above.

    <type>hidden</type> <item_code>code</item_code>


Upload a task for the survey

With the above constructed task-template we can immediately post a task with the following configuration:

    <link href="/api/marketplace/v2/customer/task_templates/unqiue%255Ftemplate%255Fid%255F1234" rel="task_template" type="application/xml" />
    <!--Following element not needed as ‘mp_df_same_url_for_all’ has been configured as ‘yes’ and ‘mp_df_individual_codes’ has been configured as ‘no’ within the task- template. But if it would be configured the other way around it would be needed and it would replace the former item ‘participants’



As a response the following XML document will be send by our API:

    <link type="application/xml" href= "http://localhost:3000/api/marketplace/v2/customer/tasks/174811" rel="self"/>
      <link type="application/xml" href= "http://localhost:3000/api/marketplace/v2/customer/task_templates/unqiue_template_id_1 234" rel="self"/>
        <link type="application/xml" href="http://localhost:3000/api/marketplace/v2/products/Survey" rel="self"/>

As you can see we invoice 140% of the Clickworker’s fee (1.4 * 100 Cent = 1.40€). The above given task will be rendered on the clickworker platform as follows:

Participate in a Survey Picture

If you want 1000 Clickworkers to participate in the survey you may need to post 1000 tasks through our API for technical reasons. We make sure that only distinct Clickworkers will participate. If you have choosen ‘mp_df_same_url_for_all’ as ‘yes’ within your task-template you would be able to request 1000 participants with the post of one task only.
